

Jacque Njeri is a talented and accomplished multi-disciplinary artist whose work addresses issues related to culture, feminism, and female empowerment. With a Bachelor's degree in Art and Design from the University of Nairobi, she has developed a unique and powerful visual style that incorporates projected extraterrestrial realities into her work that challenge and inspire audiences around the world.

Njeri has released four major art projects to date, including the Stamp Series, the Mau-Mau Dream, the Maasci Series, and her most recent project, Genesis, a modern futuristic interpretation of the Matriarch of the Kikuyu people of Kenya. Her work has received global recognition, with features in major media outlets such as CNN and BBC, as well as exhibitions at prestigious events such as the 2018 Other Futures Festival in Amsterdam and the 2019 Kikk Festival in Belgium, where she was a keynote speaker.

In addition to her impressive exhibitions and accolades, Njeri is also a skilled and experienced designer and visual artist, with a deep understanding of the theories and concepts that inform her work. Through her art, she challenges and disrupts our understanding of the world around us, inviting us to imagine new and exciting possibilities for the future.


Other Futures Festival at the Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam


MaaSci Series from 14th Jan to 8th February 2018.

Afrofuturism exhibition and installation at Alliance Française, Nairobi

MaaSci Series & Stamp Series from 14th July to 3rd June

ICT to Afrofuturism exhibition at the Mettā Nairobi Walls

MaaSci Serie from 26th July to 26th September